April 2nd Edition: The Amniotic Membrane Contact Lens (AMCL) & Bioengineering Devices

The Amniotic Membrane Contact Lens (AMCL) By: Lisa Kim The amniotic membrane contact lens was invented by Dr. Ming Wang, a world-renown eye surgeon. These lenses help a patient recover from eye damage caused by dryness and reduce inflammation (Wang Vision Institute). The amniotic membrane is a piece of tissue from the placenta that hasContinue reading “April 2nd Edition: The Amniotic Membrane Contact Lens (AMCL) & Bioengineering Devices”

April 1st Edition: Dementia Vs. Alzheimers & Chronic Stroke Disease

Dementia vs. Alzheimers- The Differences By: Avantika Samanta The tragedy of memory loss impacts 16 million people in the United States in the form of Dementia. These two terms are often seen when medical memory loss is discussed, but many don’t understand the difference between the two. Dementia is a term used to describe aContinue reading “April 1st Edition: Dementia Vs. Alzheimers & Chronic Stroke Disease”

March 4th Edition: Chronic Diseases: Multiple Sclerosis

Chronic Diseases: Multiple Sclerosis By: Lisa Kim Multiple Sclerosis, often abbreviated as MS, is a chronic disease that negatively affects one’s nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord. Patients with MS have an immune system that attacks their nerve fibers and myelin. Nerve fibers are responsible for communicating nerve impulses to the restContinue reading “March 4th Edition: Chronic Diseases: Multiple Sclerosis”

March 3rd Edition: Cystic Fibrosis & Chronic Diseases

Chronic Diseases By: Simi Patel Chronic Diseases, more commonly known as conditions that last more than one year and require ongoing treatment, are one of the greatest causes of death in the U.S. Some of the most common chronic diseases are cancer, lung diseases, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Most of these are caused dueContinue reading “March 3rd Edition: Cystic Fibrosis & Chronic Diseases”

March 2nd Edition: Arthritis

Arthritis By: Manisha Asrani Arthritis is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, sexes, and races can have arthritis. In fact, it is the leading cause of disability in America. Nearly 60 million adults and 300,000Continue reading “March 2nd Edition: Arthritis”

March 1st Edition: Cavities in Children & A History of Braces

Cavities in Children  By: MariaJose Flores A cavity in a child does not appear overnight. They are the result of the decaying process of the teeth. Eating foods high in sugar, eating right before bedtime, not brushing  thoroughly at least twice a day, and not flossing once at night are all behaviors that may contributeContinue reading “March 1st Edition: Cavities in Children & A History of Braces”

February 2nd Edition: Effects of Candy on Children’s Dental Health & Children’s Dental Health 

Children’s Dental Health  By: Simi Patel Growing up mostly all parents make their kids go to the dentists for yearly checkups to make sure their teeth are in proper condition. Even though some kids hate going to the dentist and having to get an x-ray taken, oral health is really important for people of allContinue reading “February 2nd Edition: Effects of Candy on Children’s Dental Health & Children’s Dental Health ”

February 1st Edition: Common Dental Diseases in Children

Common Dental Diseases in Children By: Manisha Asrani Childhood is a time filled with adventure, exploration, and growth. However, these years of discovery are also home to the occasional dental problem — a climb on the jungle gym could end in a broken tooth, or a missed spot of plaque could result in a cavity.Continue reading “February 1st Edition: Common Dental Diseases in Children”

January’s 2nd Edition: The Main Types of Blood and Bone Marrow Cancer & What is so special about Blood?

What is so special about blood?  By: MariaJose Flores  Is it red or is it blue? Human blood is red to the naked eye because of hemoglobin, which is carried in the blood and functions to transport oxygen, is iron rich, and red in color. Did you know that octopuses and horseshoe crabs have blueContinue reading “January’s 2nd Edition: The Main Types of Blood and Bone Marrow Cancer & What is so special about Blood?”

January 1st Edition: Flu(influenza)and its vaccine & Basis of Hematology and Different diseases/treatments

Flu (Influenza) and its vaccine  By: Shania Ali In order to talk about this vaccine for the flu or influenza, we need to understand what vaccines are and why they are important. Vaccines are important because they help us prevent future infections. They are essentially shots that are inserted in the body to create antibodiesContinue reading “January 1st Edition: Flu(influenza)and its vaccine & Basis of Hematology and Different diseases/treatments”